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WE HELP PEOPLE, through sobriety and self-empowerment to become productive and accountable members of society and seek to achieve their full potential as human beings. We believe that chemical dependency is a complex bio-psychosocial problem requiring varied and often multiple interventions for recovery.
Through holistic principles of the Recovery Transformation model, individuals take part in the treatment process as full partners and not just consumers. Our ultimate goal is to provide individuals the tools to be successful and confident to propel them into the... JOY OF LIVING.
Services in conjunction with:
> Case Management
> Personal ID Provisions
> Judicial Advocacy
> Medication Monitoring
> Therapeutic Recreation
> Transportation
Sheila M., 27
“ With Joy of Living, there was no need to worry about whether I could succeed in recovery. I felt welcome and in good hands. ”
Phil R., 25
“ Dealing with the medical system in Philadelphia was stressful. Luckily, Joy of Living knew what to do and helped me to take care of everything. ”
Joyce V., 43
“ I had no choice but to get help, and to get it right away. A warm bed, a nice house, a friendly, guiding hand and time to concentrate on me made all the difference in the world. ”
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