
Joy of Living Recovery Program was founded by Stephanie Scully, PIR to provide a safe environment for recovering people to live. From her personal “recovery house” experience, Stephanie came to see the value safety and security in her personal environment while trying to change her life. The purpose of Joy of Living is to provide exactly that; a secure safe "home" conducive to recovery that plants the seeds of personal dignity, responsibility, and models the “Joy” of helping others as a way to help yourselves.
Joy of Living Recovery Program began with 1 facility housing six people where we provided structured living, meal provisions, and access to recovery support services. The program eventually grew into 10 similar facilities. Through peer feedback, community partnerships, Recovery Residence education, and continuous evaluation of service delivery to improve the design of our program, additional services and initiatives have been implemented. The program structure as described has full time staff at our facilities and comprises all of the experience, training, and compliance to standards gained since our inception in 2005.
Stephanie Scully
Founder & CEO
Our Mission Today
The mission of Joy of Living is to help people affected by chemical dependency, mental illness, and related conditions to achieve a better quality of life. Through sobriety and self-empowerment people become productive and accountable members of society and seek to achieve their full potential as human beings. We believe that chemical dependency is a complex bio-psychosocial problem requiring varied and often multiple interventions for recovery.
Through holistic principles of the Recovery Transformation model, individuals take part in the treatment process as full partners and not just consumers. Our “person-first” approach also comprises achievement based peer recognition through monthly rewards for individual progress as well as annual Recognition Award Ceremony. Further daily 12 step meetings, intensive outpatient treatment and in house psycho education offers consumers a means of achieving personal recovery plan objectives. As we impress the same upon our participants, the Joy of Living Recovery Program shall continuously evaluate and improve the design of service to uphold our values. That is to provide individuals the tools to be successful and confident to propel them into the... JOY OF LIVING.
Population Served
Our facilities serve participants identified as having substance use history which has led to difficulties in many areas of their lives including family, work, legal, social, and spiritual. This identification has been through substance use assessment prior to admission from referral source or self-identification. All individuals admitted into our facility will be age 18 or older, despite race, religion, or sexual preference. Factors which may preclude acceptance into the program are serious mental impairment or debilitating medical problems. Participants that are admitted into the program must be ambulatory, free of any acute psychiatric disorders and medically stabilized for admission. Due to the nature of our community obligations we are unable to offer residency to individuals required to register as sex offenders. Joy of Living has history of outreach to typically underrepresented populations including those self-identified as such related to ethnicity, culture, or religion including the LBG, HIV+ and Re-entry community.
Recovery Transformation
Joy of Living supports peer recognition through monthly rewards for individual progress as well as annual Recognition Award Ceremony. The Frankford Recovery House Coalition, of which JOL is a founding member, holds an Annual Recognition Awards Banquet. This peer-driven event honors active participants through the "Pillar of Strength Award" for those who have demonstrated outstanding achievement and participants who have successfully completed our program. These individuals are provided certificates of completion from JOL and professional references from our Executive Director, as well as commendations from City Council, F.I.R. and Northeast Treatment Centers.
Expected Benefits
The success of our program in addressing anti-social and other self-destructive behaviors through interpersonal and spiritual growth is demonstrated by the benefit to our consumers. The sense of partnership gained from full participation in the treatment process is a benefit to our participants. Our experience and that of Transformation Partners shows that the more active participants are in their own treatment, the stronger voice they are encouraged to use, the greater investment they CHOOSE to make in themselves.
Upon successful completion of our program, participants will have demonstrated continuous sobriety through self-examination, assumption of personal responsibility and improved decision making skills. They will have obtained basic life skills in areas including but not limited to fiscal responsibility, personal organization, goal-setting, and resource development. Progress in the areas of legal reparations, career direction, continuing education, and gaining permanent housing are also expected benefits. Development and application of positive coping skills, participation in community service activities, development of conflict resolution and team building skills from community living are also included.