Joy of Living Recovery Program is endorsed by The City of Philadelphia Office of Addiction Services, Phila City Council as well as a housing provider for Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Forensic Intensive Recovery (FIR), PA Board of Probation and Parole and other judicial entities including Drug Court, Treatment Court, and Dawn’s Court . JOL is certified as a Housing Provider with the Pennsylvania Association for Recovering Residence (PARR) and National Association of Recovery Residences (NARR).

Case Management
Within 24 hours of intake/readmission each consumer will meet with an onsite Case Manager to identify:
Personal Recovery Plan objectives; develop appropriate interventions and a complete “needs assessment” which will be the basis for first phase of initial recovery plan.

Mental Health Assessment
Immediate referrals are made for all consumers for MH/ D&A Assessment upon intake.

Intensive Outpatient Referrals
JOL has partnered with the following providers over the years to augment on site services: Northeast Treatment Centers, Kensington Hospital, Wedge Medical Center, and the Northwestern Human Services -New Directions Facility in Frankford.

Personal Identification Provisions
As a part of case management, we help participants in obtaining current identification for purposes of treatment and access to necessary services.

In House Education
JOL curriculum addresses common peer driven themes including navigation of legal system, identifying and gaining access to resources, money management and financial planning, cleaning up wreckage thereof, healthy lifestyles and lessons on food selection and preparation.

Department of Public Welfare Advocacy
Upon intake all participants are assessed for initial or continued eligibility of DPW. This as means of supporting participants in honoring financial agreements and obtaining needed medical/ MH or other DPW services for which they are eligible.

Medication Monitoring
We facilitate MMS to support participants with medication compliance.

Judicial Advocacy
We offer residency verification letters and or progress reports to appropriate agencies/courts as needed. In certain cases, JOL staff may appear to advocate for participants in such proceedings

Meal Provisions
We facilitate collective buying of participant's food and provide meals.

Transportation is available for participants to attend off-site programming. This includes 12 step meetings, Intensive Outpatient, Community Service or Religious Services. Transportation for individual appointments, retrieving personal belongings, or other legitimate activities may be available on case by case basis.

Personal Hygiene
As needed, we provide a free service of supplying basic hygiene items to participants lacking outside resources. This is also as means of supporting ADL.

Therapuetic Recreation
As means of teambuilding, physical fitness, and stress management we hold regular games, activities and field trips for participants.

Laundry Facilities
Washer/dryer are available to consumers free of charge at designated times and days

Community Service
As our community service policy states, regular community services opportunities are provided for consumers to develop sense of outer directedness and satisfy any outside obligations. Consumers are encouraged to seek and introduce such opportunities to the program community at large.

Auxillary Services
We provide these additional services as well:
Online Access & Services
Consumer Recognition
Participation with Community Partners
Life Skills Training