Community Partners
Northeast Treatment Centers
NorthEast Treatment Centers (NET), a non-profit, licensed and accredited organization, offers a range of behavioral health and social services to adults, adolescents, children and families in the Greater Philadelphia region, the Lehigh Valley and the state of Delaware. From foster care and school therapeutic services to residential and outpatient programs for addiction recovery, our services are comprehensive, quality-driven, cost-effective and delivered by a staff that’s committed to doing its best for their consumers.

Kensington Hospital
Kensington Hospital drug treatment center is a treatment facility located in Philadelphia, PA. that an individual can enter in order to treat a drug addiction or alcoholism problem. Through therapy and education at Kensington Hospital, individuals are rehabilitated using various treatment methods which can enable them to lead productive lives. There are many reasons why a person would need to attend Kensington Hospital in Philadelphia. A few of the many reasons are: the inability to control their drinking or drug use, alienating their friends and family, legal problems, severe depression and general unhappiness due to excessive drug or alcohol use.
Wedge Medical Center
In January of 1994, the Wedge Medical Center opened its doors as a mental health and drug and alcohol treatment facility. Today The Wedge employs over 200 staff members. With a mission to change lives through recovery, the management continue to remain dedicated to providing only the highest quality mental health and drug and alcohol services to those entrusted to its care.
NHS-New Directions in Frankford
NHS provides innovative solutions to support the unique needs of the individuals we serve by striving to create a caring and responsive environment that promotes the highest standards of integrity and quality. NHS is committed to addressing the impact of addiction on the community, family, and individual. The NHS treatment philosophy is centered upon a recovery model that assumes all clients have the potential for improvement leading to recovery.
Frankford Community Development Corporation
Frankford CDC has been providing direct assistance to the Frankford Business and Professional Association (FBPA) for several years. Frankford CDC works closely with the Office of Business Services (OBS) to help meet the needs of businesses within the commercial corridor. For example, FCDC has worked with the City and other resources to develop a language access plan. Spanish speaking and various Asian languages have been addressed and communicated with to merchants. Several resource documents have been translated as well.
Overington House
Overington House was created to offer love, stability and a nurturing environment to women and their children who through abuse and other unfortunate circumstances have become homeless. Overington House is a temporary place to live while learning life skills and employment skills. Recent studies have shown that graduates from transitional living facilities are better able to cope with the responsibilities of employment and maintaining a home for their children.
Philadelphia Fight Prison ReEntry Summit
The summit provides a unique opportunity to bring diverse stakeholders to the table to explore the effect of mass incarceration on our communities. Our goal is not only to highlight innovative work happening in the field, but to bring the experiences of those most directly impacted to the forefront of these conversations. The summit prioritizes hearing from individuals with records, their loved ones, and those still on the inside, because we know that for our work to be successful it must be grounded in their wisdom.
PRO-ACT Recovery Walk
The Pro-Act Recovery Walk attempts to to show that recovery is real—it’s happening NOW; that the joyful solidarity of 23,000 or more people can provide hope to others; that you can do your part in reducing the stigma of the disease of addiction; educate the media; celebrate SAMHSA’s National Recovery Month; honor people and organizations that provide services for the recovery community; honor those who have not survived this disease; and raise funds for PRO-ACT.
Pennsylvania Prison Society
Since 1787 - over 225 years - the Prison Society has advocated on behalf of people in prison and their families. The organization promotes humane and restorative corrections by serving thousands of prisoners, ex-prisoners and their family members each year through direct services and programs. The Prison Society is a non-profit organization that is not affiliated with any religion or political institution. We do not excuse the crimes committed by the people we serve, but rather strive for a society where all people are held accountable with appropriate and restorative punishment. We believe the humanity in all our citizens must be recognized.
PA Cares for All
PA Cares for All is a statewide coalition opposed to the costly scheme to eliminate the General Assistance (GA) program and slash GA Medical Assistance. GA is a program of last-resort that provides a bridge to stability and self-sufficiency for over 68,000 Pennsylvanians without children who are sick or disabled; domestic violence survivors fleeing abuse; and individuals who are in alcohol and other drug programs.
Action Aids Philadelphia
ActionAIDS is a Philadelphia, PA based organization, committed to creating an AIDS-free generation through a combination of proven strategies.Our services include case management, HIV testing, prevention education, supportive housing, HIV treatment as prevention and volunteer services. Through our work in partnership with people living with HIV/AIDS,we seek to sustain and enhance their quality of life. Our Board of Directors,staff,and volunteers are committed to including and assisting people from our diverse community.

Frankford Recovery House Coalition F.R.H.C.
The Frankford RecoveryHouse Coalition’s mission is to assist, identify and provide resources to those individuals, groups and agencies that offer support for at-risk populations in the Frankford community. We seek to empower individuals to stay connected, active and motivated in an effort to re-unite with their families, dependent children and communities.